Sunday, August 10, 2008

Sub-committee Forwards Draft Core Competencies

Greetings to old and new members of the United Methodist Professors of Mission Blog!

Our sub-commitee was charged to bring a document to Atlanta that begins to translate recommendations made by the Seminary Task Force on Mission (GBHEM, GBGM, and UMMP) into "core competencies". These competencies were conceived as operational objectives that students should master when taking mission courses from seminaries in the United Methodist family.

While this document represents competencies deemed important for those designing courses in mission in North American seminaries--they emerge out of our deep emergence in the global Wesleyan connection. We anticipate a more diverse consituency from around the world to be present in Atlanta, August 14-17, 2008. It is this group that will produce a more permanent document. Such a document seeks to address the rapidly changing pedagogical and institutional needs of the UMC --as it seeks to form leaders to engage the world through partnership within the global Wesleyan family.

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